As seen from the boat just before take off! and white sand is not rare in Scotland by the way!
Andy going for the bottom turn on a small but well formed wave.
Summer is here!
Well the blow continued and continues, the low pressure has dominated us up here now for 7 days, the sublime to the ridiculous, flat to huge and back again!
Not complaining though, we had a great few hours on Sunday.
Drhue and I went down to Machrinhanish for some waves and we found them!
Only about 2 foot but really sweet during a wee lull that settled mid morning.
The waves had a nice end to them and we had time to use the green water before they closed out on the beach!
The village end of the beach can be sheltered in a southerly and the rock Barr's that have been exposed over the winter are creating fine little lefts.
The surf kayaks were ideal for the 'slightly' windy conditions, however being a 'cross off' wind the Wave was sculptured nicely, allowing us time to be on the wave.
The first day of summer was cracking!
Lines and more lines! its a good start to the season.....