With the winter mountaineering conditions continuing to give great climbing and walking, it has been hard to drag myself away from the highlands and return to the beaches and the search for spring swell and the surf lines that wrap in along Scotland's world class coast line.
The search has not been favorable, unfortunately a high pressure has dominated the UK for the last week and since i got back from the Alps it has been really warm and sunny, not complaining though. The sea is warming up already, much faster than last year which is pleasing.
The difficulty is finding rideable waves and hitting the breaks at the right time of day, early morning gives light winds that are slightly off shore but by lunch time it has picked up and will flatten the small wave faces off, by evening the sea breezes have lessened and the time to hit the peak again, problem is the lack of light at this time of year!
On Thursday the forecast was for westerly swell, so i headed to Machrihinish on the Mull of Kyntyre. I was lucky getting an hour and half of really sweet waves and all to myself. The sun shone all day and but as expected the wind ended my session so sun bathing was the order of the day.
On Saturday and Sunday I headed with Colin to St.Andrews as http://www.magicseaweed.com/ had posted a Small but possible potentail for this fickle break. Travel is part of the search, the anticipation of surfing is almost more exciting than the actual surfing! Never loose heart as the next session will be epic, or " you should have been here yesterday!"
Until next time..............................
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