Looking north to the mighty Moray.
Day two, of Manchester University Mountaineering club's winter skills course and a very pleasant day it was too! Hordes of folk were walking [rushing] into Sneachda today with large climbing packs and an urgency to match! Whilst the gullies are full of good material, the buttresses of both Coires looked some what black today? As we headed for the Fiacaill Ridge, it felt a whole lot more peaceful. I even let Hamish [the dog] come along as the weather seemed so settled and much calmer. The students were keen to progress onto steeper ground and get to grips with winter belays. After an evening of home work at the hostel of tying in, knots and systems they were ready to be let loose outside on some steep snow [well at present brick hard neve!]. We had a busy day constructing various belaying systems and discussing effective usages of the rope in a walking / mountaineering scenarios. A lovely day out with a really charming bunch of young people and with some great views up to the Moray coast. Must be time for surfing soon!