Today was a bitterly cold, crisp and superbly clear day which made for a very enjoyable time high up on Aonach Mor.
There is not allot of snow around on the ski slopes, but the east faces still hold a large amount of rock hard neve. the exit slope are steep and the approaches will need care due the brick hard surface.
I was working with 6 students today. All of whom had never worn crampons so the weather and the snow was perfect for their first experiences. The terrain was interesting giving a variety of ground to walk and climb through. The large expanses of flat ice also gave us some quality crampon practice.
The weather is due to change again over the next few days, but I am told that some new snow will be delivered. Be careful if it does come, good route choice will be needed. Loading on these bone hard surfaces will create a high risk of avalanche. Time to be planing for some ridges again.
Have fun out there.