I have been down in South Aryshire over the last three days running a BRAWA Coasteering Skills Training Course and a SLSGB Coasteering Safety and Rescue Award. I have been working with the staff from the Dolphin House, South Aryshire's Outdoor Centre.
Based at the majestic Culzean Castle the centre sits on the coast and is well positioned to offer it's primary school pupils a chance to experience coasteering.
We visited a variety of venues along the coastline. The weather conditions were kind, warm westerly winds blew and the sea is still reasonably warm!
Both courses offer all levels of experience a chance to understand and develop skills and gain certificated rescue award in the process.
I am currently one of only two providers who can run the Safety and Rescue Award for SLSGB in Scotland. If you are coasteering for work, it is a nationally recognised Certificate and essential if working in this demanding environment.
For more details of both courses please contact us at Hebridean Pursuits on 01631 720002. We will be offering open courses in the Autumn or I can come to your location and train your staff.