400m keep going boys!
Welsh Rugby players good at throwing things!
Tools of the trade.
A third day in the sea today for me and the lads. Whilst others winter climb and ski we headed back to the ocean to run a SLSGB assessment. It was flat calm in the sea off Oban today, some what of a contrast from Saturday. The air temperature was approx 5 degrees and the surface of the sea steamed as we swam towards Connel. The back drop of Mull and Ardgour was beautiful, snow covers the hills and the crystal clear water reflected the sky blue. Arwell, Steve and Stewart were being put through their paces in all things safety and rescue related in Coasteering. This award has been widely valued by those whom have taken it over the last year or so. It is realistic for those working in this environment yet challenging enough to make the candidates realize just what is required to rescue in difficult conditions or over long distances. So being flat calm, swims and towing were the order of the day. I am pleased to say that all the candidates passed and in fine style, well done all.