We have just returned to Harris after a superb week of sea kayaking and exploring the Archipelago of St.Kilda. This is the sixth trip we have managed to reach the dramatic and very remote island group 50 miles off the outer Hebrides.We use motor vessel Gaelic Rose to support these expeditions which gives us maximum flexibility in our ability to reach some very inaccessible places. This week has been just fantastic. The weather calmed down giving flat seas and sunny weather each day after the fog cleared to leave us with the most dramatic land and seascapes in the UK. With an incredible history and culture these Islands were inhabited until around the 1930's. The village leaves no allusions of how hard life must have been to survive on such a rock. We had a very strong and experienced paddling group on board so we paddled the whole island complex, around the immense sea stacks. I even managed to ascended the very steep and seldom reached top of Boreray. On the way back to the sound of Harris we spotted a Minkie Whale, Dolphins, Basking Shark and three Sun Fish, all adding to the wonder of such environments. We are back on board next week with another group who I hope will also be lucky enough to reach this unique Island group. Fingers crossed. We will be offering another trip in mid July 2014, for walkers, kayakers and those whom just wish to get to St.Kilda. www.hebrideanpursuits.co.uk.

The Sound of Soay.
Mike looking towards Boreray from Hirta.
A very strong and experienced paddling crew. Amongt others, Andy Stamp, Howard Jeffs, Nige Robinson, Bill Taylor and Mike Devlin.
Village Bay. The Street.
Glen Bay Arch on Hirta.
Village Bay. Hirta.
Mike Devlin in The Sound of Soay.
Sea Stacks and Gannets.