Ibrahim and Hamish Dog in the deep.
Yesterday I was working at a conference at Glenmore Lodge, presenting a workshop on Combined Rock and Water Activities. I arrived to some snow but this morning was so spectacular!
After digging my van out and fitting chains to the wheels, Ibrahim , Georg, Hamish Dog and I, headed up to the ski slopes to gain some height with the intention of going touring on Cairngorm, but the gates were closed so we headed back to the lodge to ascend Meall a Bhuachaille, which sits above Glen More and is a well known ski tour.
We skinned out to Ryovan Bothy and ascended from there. We met Simon and Chris who had the same idea as us so we shared the tour. The going was so hard with up to 3 feet of new snow to trail break through. The summit was covered in thick clag so careful and amusing skiing saw us back at the tree line, which was just loaded with new snow. A frustrating ski, fall and shuffle followed back to the Lodge path. A great day! Winter is here! But please be careful out there as there have been several avalanche accidents already. The avalanche forecast today was considerable and we certainly saw large cracks appearing in the slab on the lee slopes. It is due to get windy and stay cold so this will only create more instability up on the hill for a while yet.