I was due to meet Scott today but he had to turn back before Tarbet, Loch Lomond due to the amount of snow. We had intended to ascend a hill across in Ardgour but the best laid plans and all that; so an alternative hill and change of plan. The Oban area has not had the snow yet but is very cold, creating grey look like Eastern Europe.
I ended up heading up Beinn a Bhuiridh 897m above Loch Aweside, the stream beds and paths were heavily frozen and the water courses are building ice rapidly. On reaching the SW ridge the bitter wind increased and in turn the wind chill, shelter was only found once back down on the lower southern slopes. Fresh falling snow driven by the strong northerly wind made it feel immensely cold. My camera battery ran down very quickly today, guess it was cold out there, if it continues there will be some great water ice to climb.