Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Amazing two days with pupils from Tiree High School in Glencoe.

Interesting times on the Aonach.

The crazy pinnacles!

The finish of the Zig zAGS!!!

On the Zig- zags.

The last two days have been stunning on the West Coast!
Andy and Adrian guided the 'ZIG-ZAGS' and the classic 'Aonach Eagach Ridge'. The pupils from Tiree did so so well! Considering they had never really been above sea level before their determination and spirit was fantastic!
The weather has been just wonderful, the enjoyable ten hours on the ridge was perfectly warm, a little breeze and a lovely sunset as we walked down.
The guys were tiered on getting back to the campsite but elated at their achievements, well done. we look forward to next years adventures in Glencoe.