Monday, 23 February 2015
Tiree High School Winter Mountaineering Course.
The last two days have been challenging in the mountains. Challenging enough for experienced mountaineers and certainly an even bigger and completely new challenge for the 6 puipls from The Island of Tiree! 80 mph winds, driving snow, deep wading through fresh powder snow and winter climbing all were the part of their Glencoe experience. Well done all, you really showed determination and charactor out there especially for opting to go climbing today! Thanks to their amazing and dedicated staff for bringing them over to the mainland and believing in real adventures and to Cat for fantastic catering. Thanks also to Keith at The Glencoe Independent Hostel,for the really comfy base to work out of. And to Jamie Bankhead for his graft in the snow! A little grim at times but the smiles and laughter dominated! Conditions are pretty wild in the hills right now. Do check the avalanche forecasts and keep an eye on the blogs as the fresh snow is transporting rapidly on varying aspects and wind slab is building. The high winds are due to continue for a few days. We are out working in Glencoe again tomorrow